Klinta Trädgård
In total the garden is 10 000 m2, plus another 5 000 m2 that we rent. The site is close to a lake and a little more than 100 years back, the lake reached up to this site. We live on the former beach! With sandy soil on one side of the property and a sandy clay soil in the other part.
We have divided the 10 000 m2-garden into three main parts; Julia’s part of the garden, Peter’s part of the garden and the collaborative garden. Peter is on the most sandy, sunny and windy part of the garden and Julia is in the more clay based and shady part of the garden. We both got what we wanted! The collaborative garden is in between, containing the big greenhouse. Our nursery and the kitchen garden are on the 5 000 m2 that we rent.
Before we took over this place in 2015, it had been run as a garden café with a nursery and a small vegetable farm.