
June 2023

Norra Ormesta i Örebro


En nyanlagd park på en före detta igenväxt åker. Ett kuperat landskap med allt från naturalistiska perennplanteringar, insektshabitat och lekotoper. Mer information kommer.

Norra Ormesta i Örebro2023-11-28T15:32:18+01:00

Barometergatan i Malmö


A planting tolerant to salt and drought, situated just by the sea in the West Harbour in Malmö. More information will be published.

Barometergatan i Malmö2023-11-01T12:27:23+01:00

The Brick Room, The City Park, Örebro


Invited for the job by the the municipality of Örebro. 350 square metres. Planted during autumn 2019. The aim was to create an organic landscape with many places to sit. With a huge variety of plants, [...]

The Brick Room, The City Park, Örebro2023-11-28T15:35:32+01:00

Private garden in Limhamn, Malmö


Private garden, started in 2013. The aim is to give the couple living here a dynamic garden rich in details. When we were asked to maintain this private garden in Malmö, we were asked to care for loads of perfectly maintained [...]

Private garden in Limhamn, Malmö2023-11-28T15:37:12+01:00
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